To what extend CRM Empowers Growth?

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The CRM tools can empower customer facing employees to help organizations achieve growth strategy.  In this current economic downturn, with increased hyper-competition the pressure is on for the organizations to continually keep track of customer pulse.  This will enable the organizations understand changing customer need constantly.
CRM tools can play a pivotal role to create 4 best practices to empower customer facing employees to achieve extraordinary, sustainable results. Attain real-world benefits such as:
Increased growth:  With information at their finger tips, employees can cross sell products and services to the customers.  CRM helps create repository of customer behavior at every touch point, thus helping organizations build a detailed virtual client model.
Enhanced productivity: With centralized access to all the customer specific data, CRM tools can enhance the productivity of the employees.
Achieve short-term goals:  With the access to entire customer information, the management can align employee performance payment to achieve short term goals.
Improved collective thinking, flexibility and consistency: This is huge value added feature that the newer CRM tools bring to the organization.  As they are Enterprise 2.0 enabled, they help build a community of customers.  By enabling seamless feedback from the customers at the different touch points in the value chain, the CRM tools can convert a consumer to a ‘prosumer’.  The collective knowledge can be harnessed to build a product or offer a service that will continually add value to the customers and increase the bottom line of the company.  This also helps ever increasing fickle minded consumer to be more loyal to the brand since they are involved in shaping the product.
Check out Oracle sponsored white paper here

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